Goals: The Texas A&M Institute of Data Science (TAMIDS) solicits proposals for one-day workshops in any area of Data Science. The aim of the TAMIDS Workshop Grants Program is to support community building, stimulate collaboration, and foster interdisciplinary growth in Data Science amongst researchers at Texas A&M. Typical workshop activities could include technical presentations, training seminars, or grant application planning. Proposals involving other activities are welcome.
While workshops will typically be internally focused, they may also include invited external speakers such as faculty experts or representatives from funding agencies. Proposals are accepted on a continuing basis and may be submitted at any time.
Support: TAMIDS will provide the following support for accepted workshop proposals: (i) Up to $1,500 for local expenses including space reservations, meals, and refreshments; (ii) Up to $2,000 to support travel and accommodation for any external speakers. Co-sponsorship by other organizations is welcome. The proposer is responsible for organizing the workshop, but TAMIDS is able to assist with publicity and by sharing details of arrangements for previous events.
Conditions: The following conditions apply to workshops supported under the program: (a) Workshops should be held in Texas A&M facilities in order to facilitate wide attendance; (b) Workshop attendance should be open to all Texas A&M PI-eligible researchers; (c) TAMIDS may nominate a member of the workshop committee; (d) Any workshop publicity should acknowledge TAMIDS, it sponsors, and any other organizations co-sponsoring the workshop; (e) The proposer should submit a brief report on outcomes and follow-up activities within a year of the workshop date.
Previous Events:
- Online Workshop: Scientific Machine Learning, October 2020
- Online Workshop: Artificial Intelligence Applications to Agriculture, July 2020
- PhD Research Workshop on Computational / Artificial Intelligence, September 2019
- Workshop on Data Science/AI/ML in Education, April 2019
- Workshop on Operational Data Science, February 2019
Submission of Proposals: proposers are encouraged to discuss their proposal with the TAMIDS Director (Dr. Nick Duffield, duffieldng@tamu.edu) prior to submission. The program is flexible as to workshop structure, so variations are welcome. Finalized proposals should be submitted by email to datasciencejobs@tamu.edu with the subject line “Data Science Workshop Grants Program” as a single pdf file containing the following information:
- Cover page, including:
- Heading: “Texas A&M Institute of Data Science Workshop Grants Program”
- Workshop title
- Approximate proposed workshop date
- Proposer name, department, email address
- Logistic contact name, department, email address, if different to proposer
- Expected workshop committee members name, department, email address
- Total financial support sought, with breakout
- Draft workshop Call for Submissions, 1 page maximum
- List of potential Texas A&M speakers (name, department)
- List of potential external speakers, if applicable (name, affiliation)
- Expected outcomes from workshop and next steps, relation to other initiatives, and any other information or justification, 1 page maximum
Contact and further information: Jennifer South, TAMIDS, j-reyes@tamu.edu