Student Data Science Organizations
TAMIDS collaborates with and supports student organizations that are interested in data science.
Student Ambassadors
TAMIDS Data Science Ambassador Scholarship Program invites Texas A&M PhD students to serve as representatives for TAMIDS and champions for Data Science literacy in their departments. The competitive program will provide ambassadors with leadership, technical and training skills which they will practice through engagement in their home departments.
Applications for the 2024 Fall Admission are closed.
Student Travel Grant Program
The Texas A&M Institute of Data Science (TAMIDS) Student Travel Grant Program supports undergraduate and graduate students who attend and speak at conferences in any domain of Data Science, AI, and Machine Learning. Awards of up to $500 will be made for work involving an innovation in systems, methods or algorithms for data collection and management, modeling, analysis, or decision making, or the use of these for knowledge discovery in application domains.
Jobs and Internships
Learn about internships and other opportunities offered by TAMIDS affiliate members.
Student Data Science Competitions
Each year, we hold a month-long data science competition open to all undergraduate and graduate students at Texas A&M. With thousands of dollars in prizes and a new topic each competition, you will find plenty of reasons to come back each year.