Texas A&M Security Data Science Research Experience Program (SDS-REP)

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Texas A&M Organizations:

  • Texas A&M Institute of Data Science (TAMIDS)
  • Texas A&M Center for Applied Technology (TCAT)
  • Texas A&M University Technology Services (TAMU-IT)
  • Bush Combat Development Complex (BCDC)
  • Texas A&M Corps of Cadets (Corps)
  • Texas A&M Cybersecurity Center (CYBER)

Mission: The Security Data Science Research Experience Program (SDS-REP) provides an academic pipeline for foundational theory, practical application and research opportunities of trained students that can benefit the United States security restricted community through continued research, funded projects and create a pipeline for future employment.

Structure: As part of the SDS-REP, Texas A&M organizations provide opportunities within their operational structures for graduate students in the Master of Science in Data Science and other Texas A&M programs encompassing Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to participate. This participation can take the form of:

  • Internships or Directed Studies
  • Graduate Research Assistantships
  • Capstone Projects in the MS Data Science or similar programs

Support: Student participation is supported by industry or agency funding for stipends, fees, or scholarships.

Operations: TAMIDS partners with the participating Texas A&M organizations to recruit and connect prospective students with investigators leading projects.

SDS-REP Program Contact: prospective investigators and organizational partners should discuss project opportunities or student involvement with Nick Duffield, TAMIDS Director, duffieldng@tamu.edu