TAMIDS Research Affiliates are Texas A&M’s Data Science experts, with over 200 members drawn from 32 Texas A&M Colleges, Agencies, and other major organizational units. Research affiliates are Texas A&M faculty (including tenure, professional, instructional, and research tracks), researchers (including research scientists and postdoctoral researchers), and operations and administration staff and professionals, whose roles and interests include Data Science.
Eligibility: The TAMIDS Research Affiliates Program is open to all Texas A&M faculty (including tenure, professional, instructional, and research tracks), other researchers (including research scientists and postdoctoral researchers), and operations and administration staff and professionals whose roles and interests include Data Science. Research affiliates must have an adloc within Texas A&M University (including Galveston and Qatar campuses), TEES, TEEX, AgriLife Research, AgriLife Extension, or TTI.
Eligible members of Texas A&M who wish to become a TAMIDS Research Affiliate should complete this survey concerning interests in Data Science and TAMIDS activities. We recommend that they also subscribe to the TAMIDS mailing list. Any questions concerning the program should be sent to TAMIDS Assistant Director of Program Engagement, Drew Casey.
Search the Affiliates Database
To search the affiliate database, click on one of the preconfigured search icons below, or enter your own search terms in the search box underneath. Click here to clear any current search terms.
Individual | Position Key | Department | College | Research topic key phrases | Webpage URL | |
Abuabara, Alexander | Research | Department of Landscape Architecture & Urban Planning | School of Architecture | Compound risk from multiple hazards. Geostatistics analysis of floodplain. Population microdata development. | abuabara.com | abuabara@tamu.edu |
Acton, Gary | Research | International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) | College of Arts and Sciences | scientific ocean drilling, geomagnetism, paleomagnetism, geodynamics, paleoclimatology, physical properties of rocks, spectral reflectance | https://iodp.tamu.edu/staffdir/indiv/acton/ | acton@iodp.tamu.edu |
Allaire, Douglas | Faculty | Department of Mechanical Engineering | College of Engineering | Design Optimization, Uncertainty Quantification, Machine Learning | https://engineering.tamu.edu/mechanical/profiles/allaire-douglas.html | dallaire@tamu.edu |
Arroyo, Jesus | Faculty | Department of Statistics | College of Arts and Sciences | My research interests include statistical network analysis, machine learning, high-dimensional data analysis, and applications to neuroimaging. | https://jesus-arroyo.github.io/ | jarroyo@tamu.edu |
Aryal, Ashrant | Faculty | Department of Construction Science | School of Architecture | Intelligent thermal comfort control, human building interaction, wearable sensing | https://www.arch.tamu.edu/staff/ashrant-aryal/ | ashrantaryal@tamu.edu |
Banerjee, Amarnath | Faculty | Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering | College of Engineering | modeling, simulation, visualization | https://engineering.tamu.edu/industrial/profiles/abanerjee.html | banerjee@tamu.edu |
Banerjee, Debjyoti | Faculty | Department of Mechanical Engineering | College of Engineering | machine learning, nanofluids, nanotechnology, microfluidics, thermal fluid science and engineering | https://db.tamu.edu | dbanerjee@tamu.edu |
Banerjee, Sarbajit | Faculty | Department of Chemistry | College of Arts and Sciences | materials design, nanocrystal synthesis, materials informatics, hyperspectral imaging, corrosion, solid-state chemistry, neuromorphic computing | https://www.chem.tamu.edu/faculty/sarbajit-banerjee/ | sarbajit@tamu.edu |
Bapst, David | Faculty | Department of Geology And Geophysics | College of Arts and Sciences | phylogenetics, Bayesian analyses, Stochastic processes, Monte Carlo simulation, paleobiology, Incomplete Data | https://geogeo.tamu.edu/people/profiles/faculty/bapstdavidwilliam.html | dwbapst@tamu.edu |
Barger, Chad | Ops/Admin | Scholarships and Financial Aid | Academic Affairs | financial aid, loans, scholarships, grants, loan debt, fellowships, assistantships, work study, graduation rate, demographics, enrollment | https://www.linkedin.com/in/chad-barger-605235b2 | cbarger@tamu.edu |
Barr, Andrew | Faculty | Department of Economics | College of Arts and Sciences | higher education, early childhood interventions, treatment effect heterogeneity | https://econ.tamu.edu/andrew-barr/ | abarr@tamu.edu |
Blackmon, Heath | Faculty | Department of Biology | College of Arts and Sciences | genome evolution; comparative methods; sex chromosomes | https://coleoguy.github.io/ | blackmon@tamu.edu |
Blasingame, Thomas | Faculty | Department of Petroleum Engineering | College of Engineering | unconventional reservoirs; production data analysis; pressure transient data analysis; petroleum reservoir engineering; technical mathematics | https://engineering.tamu.edu/petroleum/profiles/tblasingame.html | t-blasingame@tamu.edu |
Bologan, Anatol | Faculty | Department of Visualization | School of Architecture | UI/UX, data visualization, interactive design, medical imaging | https://www.madarts.com | abologan@arch.tamu.edu |
Bombardi, Rodrigo | Faculty | Department of Geography | College of Arts and Sciences | climate, predictability, monsoon, precipitation | www.rodrigobombardi.com | rjbombardi@tamu.edu |
Bonito, Andrea | Faculty | Department of Mathematics | College of Arts and Sciences | Numerical analysis and Scientific Computation; Approximation in High dimension | www.math.tamu.edu/~bonito | bonito@tamu.edu |
Borazjani, Iman | Faculty | Department of Mechanical Engineering | College of Engineering | High-performance Computing, CFD, Fluid mechanics, Machine Learning, Biomedical Imaging, Cardiovascular flows | https://scbl.engr.tamu.edu/ | iman@tamu.edu |
Bouhali, Othmane | Faculty | Department of Physics and Astronomy | Texas A&M Qatar | Medical physics, high performance computing, high energy physics | https://people.qatar.tamu.edu/othmane.bouhali/index.html | othmane.bouhali@tamu.edu |
Braga-Neto, Ulisses | Faculty | Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering | College of Engineering | Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning, Statistical Signal Processing | https://braganeto.engr.tamu.edu/ | ulisses@ece.tamu.edu |
Brown, Peter | Research | Department of Physics and Astronomy | College of Arts and Sciences | astronomy, multivariate analysis, time-series, big data, machine learning | http://people.physics.tamu.edu/pbrown/ | pbrown801@tamu.edu |
Brun, Marcel | Research | Genomics and Bioinformatics Service | Texas A&M AgriLife Research | Bioinformatics; NGS Data Analysis; Pattern Recognition; Machine Learning; Genomics Signal Processing | https://www.txgen.tamu.edu/ | marcelbrun@tamu.edu |
Byrnes, William | Faculty | N/A | School of Law | I research data analytics for transfer pricing (tax compliance), and for economic crimes detection / resource management | https://law.tamu.edu/faculty-staff/find-people/faculty-profiles/william-byrnes | williambyrnes@tamu.edu |
Cai, Heng | Faculty | Department of Geography | College of Arts and Sciences | Geographic information science, spatial data mining and modeling, disaster resilience, coupled natural-human systems, human responses to hazards | https://geography.tamu.edu/people/profiles/faculty/caiheng.html | hengcai@tamu.edu |
Cai, James | Faculty | Department of Veterinary Integrative Biosciences | School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences | Human Genetics, Computational Statistics, Data Science | http://people.tamu.edu/~jcai/ | jcai@tamu.edu |
Carroll, Raymond | Faculty | Department of Statistics | College of Arts and Sciences | Biostatistics, Statistics, Nutrition, Physical Activity, Wearable Devices | http://carroll.stat.tamu.edu/ | carrolliamcs@gmail.com |
Caverlee, James | Faculty | Department of Computer Science and Engineering | College of Engineering | Social media, Information retrieval, Recommender systems, Data mining, Data-intensive systems | http://faculty.cse.tamu.edu/caverlee/ | caverlee@cse.tamu.edu |
Chappell, Thomas | Faculty | Department of Plant Pathology And Microbiology | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | Empirical modeling, epidemiology, phenology, predictive model implementation | chappell.tamu.edu | tomu@tamu.edu |
Chen, Xiaowei | Faculty | Department of Geology And Geophysics | College of Arts and Sciences | Earthquake Seismology, Energy Geoscience, Signal Processing | https://sites.google.com/view/xiaoweichen/ | xiaowei.chen@tamu.edu |
Chi, Zhaohui | Research | Department of Geography | College of Arts and Sciences | polar remote sensing, tempo-spatial analysis, GIS | https://geography.tamu.edu/people/profiles/faculty/chizhaohui.html | zchi@tamu.edu |
Childress, Laurel | Research | International Ocean Discovery Program | College of Arts and Sciences | organic carbon, ocean drilling, source to sink | http://iodp.tamu.edu/staffdir/indiv/childress/ | childress@tamu.edu |
Choi, Kunhee | Faculty | Department of Construction Science | School of Architecture | smart transportation, project management, artificial intelligence mobility and safety, digital twinning, cyber-physical systems, predictive analytics | http://people.tamu.edu/~kchoi | kchoi@tamu.edu |
Christy, Matt | Ops/Admin | Dentistry Library | Health Science Center | Data science, Digital asset management, Metadata | https://bhslibrary.tamhsc.edu/ | christy@tamu.edu |
Cohen, Noah | Faculty | Department of Veterinary Large Animal Clinical Sciences | School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences | Host-microbe interactions | https://scholars.library.tamu.edu/vivo/display/nf22c59c1/Persons/View%20All | ncohen@cvm.tamu.edu |
Cook, Scott | Faculty | Department of Political Science | College of Arts and Sciences | spatial statistics, measurement error, political violence | http://www.scottjcook.net | sjcook@tamu.edu |
Cummings, Scott | Ops/Admin | Department of Agriculture Education | Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service | Methods, Evaluation, Accountability, Impact, Big Data | od.tamu.edu | s-cummings@tamu.edu |
Cunha, Eduardo | Research | Department of Wildlife & Fisheries Sciences | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | Simulation modeling | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Eduardo_Cunha2 | edurcunha@gmail.com |
Currier, Robert | Research | Department of Oceanography | College of Arts and Sciences | harmful algal blooms, phytoplankton, CNNs, HABscope | https://ocean.tamu.edu/people/profiles/research-staff/currierbob.html | bob.currier@gcoos.org |
Da Silva, Dilma | Faculty | Department of Computer Science and Engineering | College of Engineering | system software; cloud computing; edge computing; high-performance computing; streaming computing; computer science education | http://faculty.cse.tamu.edu/dilma/ | dilma@cse.tamu.edu |
Dague, Laura | Faculty | Public Service & Administration | Bush School of Government and Public Service | health economics, health insurance | https://sites.google.com/site/lauradague/home | dague@tamu.edu |
Davis, Brian | Research | Department of Veterinary Integrative Biosciences | School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences | Genomics, Transcriptomics, Epigenomics, Evolution, Disease, Cancer | https://vibs.tamu.edu/profile/191/BrianW.Davis | bdavis@cvm.tamu.edu |
Davis, Katherine | Faculty | Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering | College of Engineering | power systems, cyber-physical systems, grid cyber security | https://katedavis.engr.tamu.edu/ | katedavis@tamu.edu |
Davis, Timothy | Faculty | Department of Computer Science and Engineering | College of Engineering | graph algorithms, sparse matrix algorithms | http://faculty.cse.tamu.edu/davis | davis@tamu.edu |
DeMars, Kyle | Faculty | Department of Aerospace Engineering | College of Engineering | space situational awareness, Bayesian filtering, multitarget tracking, information theory | https://engineering.tamu.edu/aerospace/profiles/demars-kyle.html | demars@tamu.edu |
Duffield, Nick | Faculty | Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering | College of Engineering | algorithms; machine learning; data streaming; graph analytics; computer networking, measurement & security; transportation; precision agriculture | https://tx.ag/duffield | duffieldng@tamu.edu |
Eckman, David | Faculty | Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering | College of Engineering | stochastic simulation, simulation optimization, operations research | https://eckman.engr.tamu.edu/ | eckman@tamu.edu |
Ekin, Sabit | Faculty | Department of Engineering Technology And Industrial Distribution | College of Engineering | Wireless communication, Wireless Sensing, Health Monitoring, AI/ML | https://www.sabitekin.com | sabitekin@tamu.edu |
Eksin, Ceyhun | Faculty | Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering | College of Engineering | Game theory, optimization, networks, statistical learning | https://netmas.engr.tamu.edu/ | eksinc@tamu.edu |
Erraguntla, Madhav | Faculty | Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering | College of Engineering | analytics, healthcare, supply chain, logistics | https://engineering.tamu.edu/industrial/profiles/erraguntla-madhav.html | merraguntla@tamu.edu |
Eytan, Ron | Faculty | Department of Marine Biology | Texas A&M Galveston | genetics, population genetics, phylogenetics, speciation, evolution | https://www.roneytanlab.com | eytanr@tamug.edu |
Filippi, Anthony | Faculty | Department of Geography | College of Arts and Sciences | remote sensing, geographic information system (GIS)-based modeling, machine learning, artificial intelligence, vegetation, land-cover change, water | https://geography.tamu.edu/people/profiles/faculty/filippianthony.html | filippi@tamu.edu |
Foster, Margaret | Faculty | Medical Sciences Library | Texas A&M University Libraries | systematic reviews, information retrieval, data sharing | https://scholars.library.tamu.edu/vivo/display/nf338d96d | margaretfoster@tamu.edu |
Foucart, Simon | Faculty | Department of Mathematics | College of Arts and Sciences | compressive sensing, approximation theory, computational mathematics, bioinformatics | https://www.math.tamu.edu/~foucart | foucart@tamu.edu |
Geedipally, Srinivas | Research | TTI-Center for Transportation Safety | Texas A&M Transportation Institute | traffic safety, crash data analysis, Bayesian modeling, count data modeling, traffic speed analysis and modeling | https://tti.tamu.edu/people/resume/?id=20b624dc-491e-8e4e-844a-3e9acea5a286 | srinivas-g@tti.tamu.edu |
Geng, Lauren | Ops/Admin | TTI-Planning & Environment | Texas A&M Transportation Institute | mobility analysis, data conflation, GIS, SAS, python, R | https://tti.tamu.edu/people/resume/?pid=2250 | l-geng@tti.tamu.edu |
Georghiades, Costas | Faculty | Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering | College of Engineering | statistical communication theory, information theory, estimation theory, detection theory, wireless communications | https://engineering.tamu.edu/electrical/profiles/georghiades-costas.html | georghiades@tamu.edu |
Gibbs, Holly | Research | Microscopy and Imaging Center | Texas A&M Division of Research | bioimage informatics, light sheet microscopy, neurodevelopment | https://microscopy.tamu.edu/ | hgibbs@tamu.edu |
Gildin, Eduardo | Faculty | Department of Communications | College of Engineering | model reduction, reservoir simulation, data-driven science and engineering, reservoir management; drilling automation and control; | https://engineering.tamu.edu/petroleum/profiles/egildin.html | egildin@tamu.edu |
Goidel, Kirby | Faculty | Department of Political Science | College of Arts and Sciences | public opinion, public policy | https://bush.tamu.edu/faculty/kgoidel/ | kgoidel@tamu.edu |
Grant, William | Faculty | Department of Ecology & Conservation Biology | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | theory-guided data science, dynamic modeling of coupled human and natural systems, emphases on endangered species and invasive species | https://eccb.tamu.edu/people/grant-william-e/ | wegrant@tamu.edu |
Guneralp, Burak | Faculty | Department of Geography | College of Arts and Sciences | urban sustainability, land change, human-environment interactions, systems analysis, geospatial analysis | https://www.burakguneralp-udas.com/ | bguneralp@tamu.edu |
Guo, Bing | Faculty | Department of Mechanical Engineering | Texas A&M Qatar | solar energy; soiling loss of solar energy conversion due to dust accumulation; soiling loss mitigation | https://www.qatar.tamu.edu/programs/mechanical-engineering/faculty-and-staff/dr.-bing-guo | bing.guo@tamu.edu |
Halket, Jonathan | Faculty | Department of Finance | Mays Business School | urban economics and real estate finance | http://halket.com | jhalket@tamu.edu |
Ham, Youngjib | Faculty | Department of Construction Science | School of Architecture | smart city, digital twin city, social sensing for disaster resilience, UAV-based visual sensing, smart construction, smart building, BIM | http://people.tamu.edu/~yham/ | yham@tamu.edu |
Hammond, Tracy | Faculty | Department of Computer Science and Engineering | College of Engineering | activity recognition, sketch recognition, machine learning, AI, HCI, wearables, eye-tracking | http://srl.tamu.edu | hammond@tamu.edu |
Han, Daikwon | Faculty | Department of Epidemiology And Biostatistics | School of Public Health | Environmental Epidemiology, Environmental Health, Spatial Epidemiology, GIS Health, Exposure Assessment Methods, Population Studies | https://public-health.tamu.edu/directory/daikwon-han.html | dhan@tamu.edu |
Hardin, Robert | Faculty | Department of Biological & Agricultural Engineering | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | agriculture, precision farming, precision processing, sensors, automation | https://baen.tamu.edu/people/hardin-robert/ | rghardin@tamu.edu |
Henry, Michael | Faculty | Department of Computer Science and Information Systems | College of Engineering | Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Large-scale Data Analytics | https://www.pnnl.gov/science/staff/staff_info.asp?staff_num=8686 | m_j_henry@tamu.edu |
Herbert, Bruce | Faculty | Department of Agriculture Education | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | bibliometrics, research impact, environmental science | https://u.tamu.edu/drbruceherbert | beherbert@tamu.edu |
Hu, Sarah | Faculty | Department of Oceanography | College of Arts and Sciences | microbial ecology, microbial eukaryotes, meta’omics, biological oceanography, marine environmental biology, high-throughput sequencing | https://shu251.github.io/sarah-hu/ | skhu@tamu.edu |
Hubbard, James | Research | TTI-Transportation Operations | Texas A&M Transportation Institute | machine learning, deep leaning, data visualization | https://tti.tamu.edu/people/resume/?id=7297 | j-hubbard@tti.tamu.edu |
Hwang, Jihee | Faculty | Department of Educational Administration And Human Resource Development | School of Education and Human Development | policy analysis, data joining, interactive dashboard, data visualization, workforce analytics | https://eahr.tamu.edu/?team=jihee-hwang | hwang@tamu.edu |
Jackson, Carolyn | Faculty | Department of Family and Community Health | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | Agriculture, Systematic Reviews, | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Carolyn-Jackson-6 | csj@library.tamu.edu |
Jeong, David | Faculty | Department of Construction Science | School of Architecture | data analytics, artificial intelligence, national language processing, construction management, construction cost engineering, asset management | https://engineering.tamu.edu/mtde/profiles/jeong-david.html | djeong@tamu.edu |
Ji, Jim | Faculty | Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering | College of Engineering | magnetic resonance imaging, medical imaging, image processing, machine learning, AI | https://engineering.tamu.edu/electrical/profiles/jji.html | jimji@tamu.edu |
Jiang, Anxiao | Faculty | Department of Computer Science and Engineering | College of Engineering | deep learning, machine learning, artificial intelligence, big data | https://faculty.cse.tamu.edu/ajiang | ajiang@tamu.edu |
Johnson, Charlie | Ops/Admin | Center for Bioinformatics & Genomics Systems Engineering | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | genomics, bioinformatics, machine learning, statistics | https://www.txgen.tamu.edu/ | Charlie@ag.tamu.edu |
Jola-Sanchez, Andres | Faculty | Department of Information & Operations Management | Mays Business School | humanitarian analytics, human-made disaster management, predictive analytics, deep learning, service operations, public sector analytics | https://sites.google.com/view/jola-sanchez/home?authuser=0 | ajola-sanchez@tamu.edu |
Jones, David | Faculty | Department of Statistics | College of Arts and Sciences | astrostatistics, machine learning, Bayesian modeling and computation, statistical information for classification and model selection | https://david-jones-statistics.github.io/ | david.jones@tamu.edu |
Kabir, Elnaz | Faculty | Department of Engineering Technology And Industrial Distribution | College of Engineering | Data and Risk Analytics, Optimization under Uncertainty, Power System Decarbonization, Disaster Power-Outage Management, Energy Storage. | https://elnaz-kabir.github.io/ | ekabir@tamu.edu |
Kakosimos, Konstantinos | Faculty | Department of Chemical Engineering | Texas A&M Qatar | fluid mechanics, air quality, risk analysis, solar photo- and thermochemical processes, reactors and materials, mixed/augmented reality | https://www.qatar.tamu.edu/programs/chemical-engineering/faculty-and-staff/dr.-konstantinos-kakosimos | k.kakosimos@qatar.tamu.edu |
Karaman, Ibrahim | Faculty | Department of Materials Science & Engineering | College of Engineering | materials design and fabrication, metallic materials, functional materials | https://engineering.tamu.edu/materials/profiles/karaman-ibrahim.html | ikaraman@tamu.edu |
Kemp, Dustin | Ops/Admin | LAUNCH | Undergraduate Studies | food insecurity, first generation, students of color, hunger | http://launch.tamu.edu | dkemp@tamu.edu |
Ketzenberg, Michael | Faculty | Department of Information & Operations Management | Mays Business School | value of information, consumer returns, predictive analytics | https://mays.tamu.edu/directory/michael-ketzenberg/ | mketzenberg@tamu.edu |
Keyvanshokooh, Esmaeil | Faculty | Department of Information & Operations Management | Mays Business School | Data-Driven Optimization, Statistical Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Business Analytics, Healthcare Operations. | https://mays.tamu.edu/directory/esmaeil-keyvanshokooh/ | keyvan@tamu.edu |
Kim, Ben | Ops/Admin | IT Academic Services | Provost IT Office | sql performance tuning, troubleshooting | https://pito.tamu.edu | ben9@tamu.edu |
Kim, Jisung | Research | TTI-Planning & Environment | Texas A&M Transportation Institute | transportation planning, natural language processing, machine learning, parallel computing | https://tti.tamu.edu/people/resume/?id=7359 | jisung.kim@tamu.edu |
Kimball, Jorja | Ops/Admin | Research Development Services | Texas A&M Division of Research | STEM education; underrepresented groups; broader impacts; research development; proposal development; project management | https://vpr.tamu.edu/initiate-research/research-development-services | j-kimball@tamu.edu |
Kish, Laszlo | Faculty | Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering | College of Engineering | unconditional security, noise-based logic and computing | https://engineering.tamu.edu/electrical/profiles/lkish.html | Laszlokish@tamu.edu |
Koola, Paul | Faculty | Department of Ocean Engineering | College of Engineering | applications of systems engineering, machine learning and AI targeted to the marine domain including novel ocean infrastructure, cyber-security. | https://engineering.tamu.edu/ocean/profiles/koola-paul-mario.html | paulmkoola@tamu.edu |
Kuchment, Peter | Faculty | Department of Mathematics | College of Arts and Sciences | medical and homeland security imaging, deep learning, topological techniques in data science | https://www.math.tamu.edu/~kuchment | kuchment@math.tamu.edu |
Kum, Hye-Chung | Faculty | Department of Health Policy And Management | School of Public Health | data science; population informatics; privacy; knowledge discovery and datamining; record linkage; sequential pattern mining; health services research | https://pinformatics.org | kum@tamu.edu |
Kuttolamadom, Mathew | Faculty | Department of Engineering Technology And Industrial Distribution | College of Engineering | manufacturing, materials, tribology, functional grading, bioinspiration, pharmaceuticals | http://people.tamu.edu/~mathew/ | mathew@tamu.edu |
Kwon, Joseph | Faculty | Department of Chemical Engineering | College of Engineering | multiscale modeling and control of chemical processes and biological systems | https://kwon.engr.tamu.edu | kwonx075@tamu.edu |
Laha, Nilanjana | Faculty | Department of Statistics | College of Arts and Sciences | Reinforcement learning, health, semiparametric statistics, precision medicine, machine learning, nonparametric statistics, high dimensional statistics | https://sites.google.com/view/nilanjana1991/home | nlaha@tamu.edu |
Lawing, Michelle | Faculty | Department of Ecosystem Science And Management | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | ecoinformatics, paleobiology, climate change, evolution, biogeography, ecology, geometric morphometrics | https://eccb.tamu.edu/people/lawing-michelle/ | alawing@tamu.edu |
Layton, Astrid | Faculty | Department of Mechanical Engineering | College of Engineering | resilience, sustainability, bio-inspired design, systems of systems design, ecological network analysis | https://astridlayton.com | alayton@tamu.edu |
Lee, Dong Joon | Faculty | Department of Information & Operations Management | Mays Business School | Research information management systems, information and data quality, metadata design, recommender systems | https://mays.tamu.edu/directory/dong-joon-lee/ | djlee@tamu.edu |
Lee, Jaesung | Faculty | Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering | College of Engineering | Data science approaches, such as, statistical/machine learning modeling, analysis, design, and control in advanced Engineering processes and systems | https://sites.google.com/view/jaesunglee | j.lee@tamu.edu |
Li, Quan | Faculty | Department of Political Science | College of Arts and Sciences | political economy, international relations, research methodology | https://bush.tamu.edu/faculty/qli/ | quanli@tamu.edu |
Liu, Yina | Research | Department of Oceanography | College of Arts and Sciences | environmental metabolomics, mass spectrometry, organic geochemistry, untargeted chemical analysis | https://ocean.tamu.edu/people/profiles/faculty/liuyina.html | yinaliu@tamu.edu |
Liu, Yun | Research | Geothermal and Environmental Research Group | College of Geosciences | ocean-atmosphere data assimilation | https://ocean.tamu.edu/people/profiles/research-staff/liuyun.html | liu6@tamu.edu |
Luco, Fernando | Faculty | Department of Economics | College of Arts and Sciences | industrial organization, antitrust, applied microeconomics | https://sites.google.com/site/flucoe | fluco@tamu.edu |
Ma, Samuel | Faculty | Department of Civil Engineering | College of Engineering | environmental science and engineering, environmental nanotechnology, | https://engineering.tamu.edu/civil/profiles/ma-xingmao-samuel.html | samuelma@tamu.edu |
Mallick, Bani | Faculty | Department of Statistics | College of Arts and Sciences | Bayes modeling, MCMC, Bayes machine learning, regression, clustering, classification, Nonparametric, uncertainty quantification | http://www.stat.tamu.edu/~bmallick/ | bmallick@stat.tamu.edu |
Mandell, Laura | Faculty | Department of English | College of Arts and Sciences | text mining, machine learning, OCR, data visualization | http://codhr.dh.tamu.edu/laura-mandell/ | mandell@tamu.edu |
Marshall, Jennifer | Faculty | Department of Physics and Astronomy | College of Arts and Sciences | Large scale astronomical surveys, galaxy formation, stellar chemical abundances, astronomical instrumentation | https://artsci.tamu.edu/physics-astronomy/contact/profiles/jennifer-marshall.html | marshall@tamu.edu |
Martin, Michael | Research | TTI-Planning & Environment | Texas A&M Transportation Institute | transportation, mobility, GIS, spatial analysis, passive data, connected vehicle, big data, crowdsourced data, cloud computing | https://tti.tamu.edu/people/resume/?pid=5415 | michaelmartin13@tamu.edu |
Masami, Fujiwara | Faculty | Department of Ecology & Conservation Biology | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | ecological statistics, population dynamics, community dynamics | https://eccb.tamu.edu/people/fujiwara-masami/ | fujiwara@tamu.edu |
McAdams, Daniel | Faculty | Department of Mechanical Engineering | College of Engineering | bioinspired design, technology evolution, text mining, computer assisted creativity | https://engineering.tamu.edu/mechanical/profiles/mcadams-daniel.html | dmcadams@tamu.edu |
Meyer, Michelle | Faculty | Department of Landscape Architecture & Urban Planning | School of Architecture | hazards, disasters, social vulnerability, social media, social networks | http://hrrc.arch.tamu.edu/ | mmeyer@arch.tamu.edu |
Misra, Siddharth | Faculty | Department of Petroleum Engineering | College of Engineering | subsurface characterization, Sensors and Sensing, data-driven modeling | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=aWt67tcAAAAJ&hl=en | misra@tamu.edu |
Mostafavi, Ali | Faculty | Department of Civil Engineering | College of Engineering | disaster informatics, urban resilience, complex networks, infrastructure | https://engineering.tamu.edu/civil/profiles/mostafavi-ali.html | mostafavi@tamu.edu |
Munoz, Guillermo | Ops/Admin | IT Security, Risk Management, Policy & Compliance | Texas A&M Division of Information Technology | data Intelligence, use case prioritization, deep neural networks in BDA | https://members.educause.edu/guillermo-munoz | gilmunoz@tamu.edu |
Murray, Seth C | Faculty | Department of Soil & Crop Sciences | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | unmanned aerial systems, plant breeding, quantitative genetics, spatial, temporal, predictions, agriculture | https://soilcrop.tamu.edu/people/murray-seth-c/ | sethmurray@tamu.edu |
Narayanan, Krishna | Faculty | Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering | College of Engineering | Graph neural networks, extreme classification, Machine learning for wireless communications, signal processing | http://krishnanarayanan.wikidot.com | krn@tamu.edu |
Naufal, George | Research | Public Policy Research Institute | College of Arts and Sciences | criminal justice, risk assessment evaluation, predicting public outcomes using machine learning | https://liberalarts.tamu.edu/economics/profile/george-naufal/ | gnaufal@tamu.edu |
Nepal, Bimal | Faculty | Department of Engineering Technology And Industrial Distribution | College of Engineering | Data analytics, Bayesian analysis, distribution and supply chain analysis, data modeling under uncertainties, education and workforce development | https://engineering.tamu.edu/etid/profiles/bnepal.html | nepal@tamu.edu |
Ni, Yang | Faculty | Department of Statistics | College of Arts and Sciences | Graphical Models, Bayesian Nonparametrics, Big Data | https://www.stat.tamu.edu/~yni/ | y.ni@tamu.edu |
Nie, Xiaofeng | Faculty | Department of Engineering Technology And Industrial Distribution | College of Engineering | humanitarian logistics, homeland security, supply chain risk management, applied operations research | https://engineering.tamu.edu/etid/profiles/nie-xiaofeng.html | xiaofengnie@tamu.edu |
Ning, Ning | Faculty | Department of Statistics | College of Arts and Sciences | Scalable machine Learning, big data, spatiotemporal analysis, theoretical computer science, software development, finance, epidemiology | https://sites.google.com/site/patricianing/ | patning@tamu.edu |
Noshadravan, Arash | Faculty | Department of Civil Engineering | Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station | uncertainty quantification, computational mechanics, stochastic and multiscale modeling, risk and reliability assessment, lifecycle assessment | https://engineering.tamu.edu/civil/people/noshadravan-arash | noshadravan@tamu.edu |
Paal, Stephanie | Faculty | Department of Civil Engineering | College of Engineering | Emergency response, artificial intelligence, post-disaster evaluation, structural resilience, community resilience, performance-based engineering | https://sites.google.com/tamu.edu/spaal | sgpaal@tamu.edu |
Paetzold, Ramona | Faculty | Department of Management | Mays Business School | social psychology; statistics, law | https://mays.tamu.edu/directory/ramona-l-paetzold/ | rpaetzold@mays.tamu.edu |
Papovich, Casey | Faculty | Department of Physics and Astronomy | College of Arts and Sciences | astrophysics, astrostatistics, dimensionality reduction, Bayesian modeling, galaxy evolution, physical properties of galaxies, cosmology | https://people.physics.tamu.edu/papovich/ | papovich@tamu.edu |
Pappa, Valentini | Ops/Admin | Graduate Studies | Texas A&M Qatar | water-Energy-Food nexus, modeling, optimization, food security, soil, agriculture, crops, education, distance learning | https://www.linkedin.com/in/valentinipappa/ | valentini@tamu.edu |
Park, Eun Sug | Research | TTI-Planning & Environment | Texas A&M Transportation Institute | uncertainty assessment, high-dimensional data analysis, transportation statistics, environmental statistics, spatial modeling, Bayesian modeling | https://tti.tamu.edu/people/resume/?pid=1880 | e-park@tti.tamu.edu |
Patel, Nilesh | Ops/Admin | IT Academic Services | Provost IT Office | machine learning, databases, automation, software application development | https://pito.tamu.edu | nilesh-patel@tamu.edu |
Pati, Debdeep | Faculty | Department of Statistics | College of Arts and Sciences | Bayes theory and methods in high dimensions, high dimensional network analysis, efficient Bayesian computation, scalable algorithms for massive data | http://stat.tamu.edu/~debdeep/ | debdeep@tamu.edu |
Peeples, Joshua | Faculty | Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering | College of Engineering | Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Texture Analysis, Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, Image Processing | https://www.joshpeeples.com/ | jpeeples@tamu.edu |
Pepper, Alan | Faculty | Department of Biology | College of Arts and Sciences | bioinformatics, genomics, transcriptomics, evolution | https://www.bio.tamu.edu/wordpress/index.php/faculty-page-alan-pepper/ | apepper@bio.tamu.edu |
Perez, Lisa | Ops/Admin | High Performance Research Computing | Division of Research | AI/ML, Scientific ML, Quantum Mechanics, Computational Chemistry, HPC | https://hprc.tamu.edu/ | perez@tamu.edu |
Petrie, Ragan | Faculty | Department of Economics | College of Arts and Sciences | microeconomics, behavioral, experimental, charitable giving, gender, bargaining, preferences of children | http://www.raganpetrie.org/ | rpetrie@tamu.edu |
Powell, Reid T. | Research | Center for Translational Cancer Research | Health Science Center | pharmacology, pharmacogenomics, cheminformatics, machine learning, image processing | https://www.linkedin.com/in/reidtpowell/ | repowell@tamu.edu |
Qian, Xiaoning | Faculty | Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering | College of Engineering | Bayesian learning, Bayesian experimental design, uncertainty quantification, computational network biology, intelligence-augmented materials discovery | http://xqian37.github.io/ | xqian@tamu.edu |
Ragusa, Jean | Faculty | Department of Nuclear Engineering | College of Engineering | computational physics; numerical methods in radiation transport; uncertainty quantification; multiphysics modeling and simulation | http://multiphysics.engr.tamu.edu | jean.ragusa@tamu.edu |
Rahman, Ziyaur | Faculty | Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences | School of Pharmacy | multivariate data analysis, formulation, nanoparticles | https://pharmacy.tamhsc.edu/pharm-sciences/index.html#tab-panel-3 | rahman@tamu.edu |
Rambo-Hernandez, Karen | Faculty | Department of Teaching, Learning And Culture | School of Education and Human Development | longitudinal growth modeling, structural equation modeling, big data, STEM initiatives, high achievers | https://directory.cehd.tamu.edu/view.epl?nid=Rambohernancez | rambohernandez@tamu.edu |
Roberson, Joshua | Ops/Admin | Department of Finance | Mays Business School | real estate, economics, demographics | https://www.recenter.tamu.edu/ | joshuaroberson@tamu.edu |
Rosenheim, Nathanael | Research | Department of Landscape Architecture & Urban Planning | School of Architecture | urban planning, natural hazards, primary data collection, administrative data, reproducible research | https://directory.arch.tamu.edu/people/21059 | n-rosenheim@tamu.edu |
Ruiz, Henry | Research | Department of Soil & Crop Sciences | Texas A&M AgriLife Research | Computer vision, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Signal processing | https://www.linkedin.com/in/haruiz/ | henry.ruiz@tamu.edu |
Sampath, Dayalan | Research | Department of Neuroscience and Experimental Therapeutics | Health Science Center | neurosciences, stroke, epilepsy, neonatal seizures, post traumatic stress disorder. | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dayalan-Sampath | dayalan.sampath@tamu.edu |
Saravanan, Ramalingam | Faculty | Department of Atmospheric Sciences | College of Arts and Sciences | weather, climate, machine learning | https://atmo.tamu.edu/people/profiles/faculty/saravananr.html | sarava@tamu.edu |
Schafer, Toryn | Faculty | Department of Statistics | College of Arts and Sciences | spatio-temporal modeling, Bayesian statistics, machine learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning, inverse reinforcement learning | https://toryn.netlify.app/ | tschafer@tamu.edu |
Schlumprecht, Thomas | Faculty | Department of Mathematics | College of Arts and Sciences | functional analysis, probability theory, convex geometry, applications to compressed sensing, greedy algorithms | https://www.math.tamu.edu/directory/formalpg.php?user=schlump | schlump@math.tamu.edu |
Schmidt, Luke | Research | Department of Physics and Astronomy | College of Arts and Sciences | astronomy, instrumentation, optical design | http://instrumentation.tamu.edu/~luke/ | lmschmidt@tamu.edu |
Sekhposyan, Tatevik | Faculty | Department of Economics | College of Arts and Sciences | macroeconomics, econometrics, time series and Bayesian econometrics, high-dimensional data models, forecasting | http://www.tateviksekhposyan.org/ | tsekhposyan@tamu.edu |
Serpedin, Erchin | Faculty | Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering | College of Engineering | machine learning, signal processing, bioinformatics, biomedical engineering | https://engineering.tamu.edu/electrical/profiles/eserpedin.html | eserpedin@tamu.edu |
Shamberger, Patrick | Faculty | Department of Materials Science & Engineering | College of Engineering | energy storage and conversion, adaptive and reconfigurable electronic materials, thermal management, materials discovery and design | https://phate.tamu.edu/ | patrick.shamberger@tamu.edu |
Shankar, Venkatesh | Faculty | Department of Marketing | Mays Business School | artificial intelligence, machine learning, analytics, recommender systems, natural language processing, deep learning, reinforcement learning | http://www.venkyshankar.com | vshankar@tamu.edu |
Sharma, Sushant | Research | TTI-Transportation Operations | Texas A&M Transportation Institute | big data analytics, AI, network theory, transportation problems | https://tti.tamu.edu/people/resume/?id=5657 | s-sharma@tamu.edu |
Shen, Yang | Faculty | Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering | College of Engineering | optimization; machine learning; bioinformatics | https://shen-lab.github.io/ | yshen@tamu.edu |
Shukla, Keshawa | Faculty | Department of Multidisciplinary Engineering | College of Engineering | AI/ML Application to Subsea Systems, Flow Assurance & Operability, Multiphase Flow/Production Chemistry of Reservoir Fluids, Subsea Boosting | https://engineering.tamu.edu/mtde/profiles/shukla-keshawa.html | kpshukla@tamu.edu |
Sikder, Sujan | Research | TTI-Travel Forecasting Program | Texas A&M Transportation Institute | Travel Demand Modeling | https://tti.tamu.edu/people/resume/?pid=8340 | s-sikder@tamu.edu |
Simek, Chris | Research | TTI-Planning & Environment | Texas A&M Transportation Institute | transportation, survey research, public opinion, polling, travel behavior | https://pep.tti.tamu.edu/ | c-simek@tti.tamu.edu |
Singh, Gargi | Research | TTI-Mobility Management | Texas A&M Transportation Institute | GPS data, passive data, transportation | https://groups.tti.tamu.edu/transplanning/ | g-singh@tti.tamu.edu |
Sivaraman, Vijayaraghavan (Vijay) | Research | TTI-Mobility Management | Texas A&M Transportation Institute | choice modeling, big data analytics for transportation and land use modeling | https://tti.tamu.edu/people/resume/?pid=7980 | v-sivaraman@tamu.edu |
Smith, Gerald | Faculty | Department of Soil & Crop Sciences | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | Forage crop breeding, clover breeding and genetics, cowpea breeding | https://soilcrop.tamu.edu/people/smith-gerald/ | g-smith@tamu.edu |
Sridhar, Shrihari | Ops/Admin | Business Administration | Mays Business School | strategic planning, optima resource allocation, return on marketing investments | https://mays.tamu.edu/directory/shrihari-sridhar/ | shriharisridhar@tamu.edu |
Strigari, Louis | Faculty | Department of Physics and Astronomy | College of Arts and Sciences | astrophysics, data analysis, computational methods | https://physics.tamu.edu/people/strigari/ | strigari@tamu.edu |
Szunyogh, Istvan | Faculty | Department of Atmospheric Sciences | College of Arts and Sciences | data assimilation, machine learning, numerical modeling, predictability, atmospheric dynamics | https://atmo.tamu.edu/people/profiles/faculty/szunyoghistvan.html | szunyogh@tamu.edu |
Tabor, Daniel | Faculty | Department of Chemistry | College of Arts and Sciences | data-driven materials discovery, physics-based machine learning models | https://www.chem.tamu.edu/faculty/daniel-tabor/ | daniel_tabor@tamu.edu |
Tang, Lu | Faculty | Department of Communications | College of Arts and Sciences | health messages on social media, especially Twitter | https://comm.tamu.edu/lu-tang/ | ltang@tamu.edu |
Tao, Jian | Research | Texas A&M Institute of Data Science | Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station | computational physics, machine learning algorithms, high performance computing, big data analytics, remote sensing, deep learning | https://pvfa.tamu.edu/staff/jian-tao/ | jtao@tamu.edu |
Tarazaga, Pablo | Faculty | Department of Mechanical Engineering | College of Engineering | Data driven models, dynamical systems, Rational function approximations, Dynamic Mode Decomposition | https://engineering.tamu.edu/mechanical/profiles/tarazaga-pablo.html | ptarazaga@tamu.edu |
Titi, Edriss | Faculty | Department of Mathematics | College of Arts and Sciences | applied mathematics, nonlinear partial differential equations, numerical analysis, turbulence, atmospheric and oceanic dynamics, data Assimilation. | http://www.math.tamu.edu/~titi/ | titi@tamu.edu |
Tran, Minh-Binh | Faculty | Department of Mathematics | College of Arts and Sciences | Control theory, machine learning, stochastic analysis | https://minhbinhtran.org/ | minhbinh@tamu.edu |
Tsvetkov, Pavel | Faculty | Department of Nuclear Engineering | College of Engineering | system analysis, optimization, system design, symbiotic nuclear energy systems, sustainability, data science and engineering for energy applications | https://engineering.tamu.edu/nuclear/profiles/tsvetkov-pavel-v.html | tsvetkov@tamu.edu |
Tuo, Rui | Faculty | Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering | College of Engineering | Computer Experiments; Uncertainty Quantification; Statistical Inference for Random Fields; Non-parametric Statistics | https://engineering.tamu.edu/industrial/profiles/tuo-rio.html | ruituo@tamu.edu |
Turner, Shawn | Research | TTI-Planning & Environment | Texas A&M Transportation Institute | traffic, mobility, bicyclists, pedestrians, performance, data quality | https://www.linkedin.com/in/shawn-turner-044229a/ | s-turner@tti.tamu.edu |
Veldt, Nate | Faculty | Department of Computer Science and Engineering | College of Engineering | Network science, graph algorithms, combinatorial optimization, matrix computations | https://veldt.engr.tamu.edu/ | nveldt@tamu.edu |
Wang, Hongbin | Faculty | Department of Microbial And Molecular Pathogenesis | School of Medicine | computational theory of the brain, AI, machine learning | https://scholars.library.tamu.edu/vivo/display/n1e81bc0e/Persons/View%20All | hongbinwang@tamu.edu |
Wang, Hsiao-Hsuan ‘Rose’ | Research | Department of Wildlife & Fisheries Sciences | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | theory-guided data science, dynamic modeling of coupled human and natural systems, emphases on endangered species and invasive species | https://eccb.tamu.edu/people/wang-hsiao-hsuan-rose/ | hsuan006@tamu.edu |
Wang, Jun | Faculty | Department of Agriculture Education | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | socioemotional processes, positive youth development, life-span development, program evaluation, culture, race, and ethnicity | https://alec.tamu.edu/people/wang-jun/ | jun.wang@tamu.edu |
Wang, Qian | Faculty | Department of Biomedical Science | School of Dentistry | biological anthropology, bioarchaeology, history of health | https://dentistry.tamhsc.edu/bms/facultystaffstudents/faculty/wang-qian.html | qian.wang@tamu.edu |
Witherden, Freddie | Faculty | Department of Ocean Engineering | College of Engineering | large scale simulation, learning dynamics from data, simulation data compression | https://wrg.engr.tamu.edu | fdw@tamu.edu |
Wong, Raymond | Faculty | Department of Statistics | College of Arts and Sciences | statistical learning, signal processing, computational statistics | https://raymondkww.github.io | raywong@tamu.edu |
Worthy, Darrell | Faculty | Department of Psychology | College of Arts and Sciences | learning, decision-making, computational modeling, mathematical modeling, multilevel modeling, fMRI, R, mathematical psychology | https://worthylab.org/ | worthyda@tamu.edu |
Wu, Ximing | Faculty | Department of Agricultural Economics | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | economics; econometrics; statistics; machine learning | https://sites.google.com/tamu.edu/ximingwu/ | xwu@tamu.edu |
Xu, Boqian | Faculty | Department of Landscape Architecture & Urban Planning | School of Architecture | Ecocities, Ecological Footprint, and Geo-design | https://www.arch.tamu.edu/staff/boqian-xu/ | bxu@tamu.edu |
Xu, Minjie | Research | TTI-Emminportation Modeling | Texas A&M Transportation Institute | urban planning and public health, economic valuation of activity-friendly environments, active transportation | https://tti.tamu.edu/people/resume/?pid=6078 | mxu@tamu.edu |
Yang, Tianbao | Faculty | Department of Computer Science and Engineering | College of Engineering | Machine learning, optimization, responsible AI | http://people.tamu.edu/~tianbao-yang/ | tianbao-yang@tamu.edu |
Ye, Xinyue | Faculty | Department of Landscape Architecture & Urban Planning | School of Architecture | disaster science, GeoAI, human dynamics, spatial social network, spatial visualization, transportation, urban informatics, urban data science | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xinyue_Ye2 | xinyue.ye@tamu.edu |
Ying, Qi | Faculty | Department of Civil Engineering | College of Engineering | air quality modeling, atmospheric chemistry, source apportionment | https://engineering.tamu.edu/civil/profiles/qying.html | qying@civil.tamu.edu |
Yoon, Seung Won | Faculty | Department of Educational Administration And Human Resource Development | School of Education and Human Development | Workforce development and evaluation applying data analytics, especially network analysis and machine learning | https://scholars.library.tamu.edu/vivo/display/nb4a30517/Persons/About | swyoon@tamu.edu |
Zahid, Azlan | Faculty | Department of Biological & Agricultural Engineering | Texas A&M AgriLife Research | Digital Agriculture, Agricultural robotics, Deep learning, Internet of things, Edge AI, Intelligent automation, Controlled Environment Agriculture | https://baen.tamu.edu/people/zahid-azlan/ | azlan.zahid@tamu.edu |
Zhang, Bin | Faculty | Department of Information & Operations Management | Mays Business School | very large social network analysis, statistical modeling for network problems | https://mays.tamu.edu/directory/bin-zhang/ | binzhang@tamu.edu |
Zhang, Kurt | Faculty | Institute Of Biosciences And Technology | School of Medicine | computational biology, genomics, bioinformatics, developmental biology, environmental toxicology | https://ibt.tamhsc.edu/faculty/k-zhang-bio.html | kzhang@tamu.edu |
Zhang, Xianyang | Faculty | Department of Statistics | College of Arts and Sciences | developing methodologies and theories for conducting statistical inference of data with high-dimensionality and complex dependence structure | https://www.stat.tamu.edu/~zhangxiany/ | zhangxiany@tamu.edu |
Zhang, Yu (Yvette) | Faculty | Department of Agricultural Economics | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | Behavioral Economics, Applied Econometrics, Agricultural Economics, Energy and Environmental Economics, International Economics, Neuroeconomics | https://agecon2.tamu.edu/people/faculty/zhang-yvette/ | yzhang@tamu.edu |
Zhang, Zhe | Faculty | Department of Geography | College of Arts and Sciences | CyberGIS, disaster resilience, big data, spatial decision support systems | https://geography.tamu.edu/people/profiles/faculty/zhangzhe.html | zhezhang@tamu.edu |
Zou, Lei | Faculty | Department of Geography | College of Arts and Sciences | social media, data mining, GIS, remote sensing, disaster resilience, emergency management, urban planning | https://geography.tamu.edu/people/profiles/faculty/zoulei.html | lzou@tamu.edu |
Zubairy, Sarah | Faculty | Department of Economics | College of Arts and Sciences | Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics, Fiscal Policy, Bayesian and Time Series Econometrics | https://sites.google.com/site/sarahzubairy/ | szubairy@tamu.edu |
Information as of 04/29/2024.