Other Data Science Related Certificates and Degrees

Undergraduate Programs

Bachelor of Science in Data Engineering 🗗

The Data Engineering program in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering trains students in data handling, manipulation, mining, visualization and storage methods that lead to optimal information and knowledge extraction to facilitate decision-making in complex systems.

Data Center Operations Engineering Undergraduate Certificate 🗗

The Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering‘s certificate in Data Center Operations Engineering provides an integrated education preparing a new workforce for the specific challenges involved in planning and decision-making for running the operations, designing the infrastructure, and managing the resources in large-scale data centers.

Data Engineering Undergraudate Certificate 🗗

This Certificate in Data Engineering (DAEN) Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering equips students with fundamental and advanced technical skills for data-driven decision-making.

Graduate Programs

Applied Statistics Graduate Certificate🗗

The Department of Statistics‘s Applied Statistics Certificate is designed to provide graduate students in disciplines other than statistics and professionals in the workforce with basic knowledge in statistics which will provide them with the training to design experiments, properly collect data, and finally to apply the appropriate models and procedures to summarize data, test hypotheses, and build forecasting models.

Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Ph.D.🗗

Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering‘s Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering program offers a track that with a specializes in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science.

Business Intelligence and Analytics Graduate Certificate 🗗

This Mays Buisiness School certificate is for students with an inquisitive interest in databases, data cultivation, and extracting hidden information.

Data Management Graduate Certificate 🗗

This Mays Buisiness School certificate focuses on utilizing data as the foundation for making better organizational decisions. This certificate provides the background to properly capture, manage, and analyze the data in order for that data to yield a strategic advantage for an organization.