Data Science Capstone Sponsorship
Data Science Capstone projects operate within the academic setting of the Master of Science in Data Science and other Graduate programs. The aim of a Data Science Capstone project is to apply students’ knowledge of Data Science methods and technologies to real-world data. It is intended to facilitate student learning by allowing them to gain experience working with real datasets and interact with sponsoring Data Science researchers. This provides a pathway for students to develop a track record for applied Data Science and gain insights into potential future opportunities. In turn, sponsors can benefit from these projects by developing relationships with students and faculty throughout the project’s timeline and bringing brand awareness to their company.
Prospective sponsors from industry and Texas A&M faculty should complete the Data Science Capstone Project Proposal Template and submit a single PDF document to the Qualtrics Submission Form.
- July: Summary & Data Submission
- August: Student Project Selection
- August-November: Projects Underway
- December: Final Project Presentation and Report
Sponsor Objective & ROI
The sponsor’s objective is to designate a project, serve as a liaison and mentor for students’ questions, and offer innovative approaches from their industry. In return, sponsors receive brand awareness for their company and potentially earn more revenue.
Program Membership
Please contact Jennifer Cutler, TAMIDS Assistant Director for Industry Engagement, at jenniferjoe@tamu.edu for information about becoming a sponsor.