February 13, 2023
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Location: Blocker 220
Also online via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 998 4499 3279
Password: 724615
Speaker: Paul D. Miller, a.k.a DJ Spooky, Artist, Writer, Musician
Faculty Hosts: Starrett and McNamara
Abstract: Paul D. Miller has had museum shows and exhibitions across the world. From concerts at The Guggenheim Museum to being the first Artist in Residence at The Metropolitan Museum on over to being an author focused on science, art, and technology whose books are published with MIT Press, he will explore the intricate connections between art, science, the environment and how storytelling can generate new perspectives in contemporary digital art and culture.
Biography: Paul D. Miller, aka DJ Spooky, is a composer, multimedia artist, and writer whose work immerses audiences in a blend of genres, global culture, and environmental and social issues. Miller has collaborated with an array of recording artists, including Metallica, Chuck D, Steve Reich, and Yoko Ono. His 2018 album, DJ Spooky Presents: Phantom Dancehall, debuted at #3 on Billboard Reggae. His multimedia performance pieces include “Rebirth of a Nation,” Terra Nova: Sinfonia Antarctica, commissioned by the Brooklyn Academy of Music, and Seoul Counterpoint, written during his 2014 residency at Seoul Institute of the Arts. His multimedia project Sonic Web premiered at San Francisco’s Internet Archive in 2019. He was the inaugural artist-in-residency at the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s The Met Reframed, 2012-2013. In 2014, he was named National Geographic Emerging Explorer. He produced Pioneers of African American Cinema, a collection of the earliest films made by African American directors, released in 2015. His books include the award-winning Rhythm Science (MIT Press 2004); Sound Unbound, an anthology about digital music and media; The Book of Ice, a visual and acoustic portrait of the Antarctic, and; The Imaginary App, on how apps changed the world. He was the first founding Executive Editor of Origin Magazine.
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For more information about TAMIDS Seminar Series, please contact Ms. Jennifer South at jsouth@tamu.edu