New and Current Students

Master of Science Data Science

Welcome MS Data Science Students!

We are pleased you have chosen Texas A&M and the Master of Data Science to further your education. The education and experience you receive from the program will help prepare you for a future career in many industry sectors. As you advance through the program, TAMIDS, as well as your home track, is here to support you from enrollment through graduation. On this page, you will find information and links to help guide you.

The Department of Statistics will be the internal curricular home of the degree and represent the four participating departments in managing the program. The Texas A&M Institute of Data Science (TAMIDS) will coordinate with the participating departments.

Once you enter the second semester of the program you will be considered a student in your track departments. Please contact that department first for questions related to degree plans, submitting forms, etc. Christi Retzer, TAMIDS Program Manager, is also available to advise on degree plans and course selections. You can contact her at

I’m Admitted. Now What?

Congratulations! Be sure to accept the offer of admission in Howdy by the date that was on your offer letter, and sign and return your letter if requested.

You will receive communications from various departments on the Texas A&M campus prior to the start of your first term. You will need to submit all requested documents, such as official transcripts, tests scores, etc. Please continue to check your email throughout the admission process.

Office of Admissions

Office of the Registrar

International Student Services

Student Business Services


Prior to the start of your first semester, you will be required to attend orientation. Both TAMIDS and your track will hold separate orientations. You are encouraged to attend both. These orientations will include important information that will aid in your success in the program. Day and time will be announced at a later date.

Registering for Classes

Students will need to take 4 core courses in the first semester, and then 3 elective courses in each of the two subsequent semesters. Students are required to take 3 elective courses from the department of the track into which they are admitted and can take the remainder of their elective courses from any of the 4 track departments. Registration will take place in the Howdy portal.

Core courses:

  • MATH 677 Mathematical Foundations for Data Science
  • STAT 650 Statistical Foundations for Data Science
  • STAT 624 Databases and Computational Tools Used in Big Data
  • ECEN 758 / STAT 639 / CSCE 676 Data Mining and Analysis

The list of electives for each semester can be found here

As part of your track requirements, if there are classes offered your first Spring semester that are part of your track, you must register for at least one course.

*Review the academic calendar each semester so you are aware of the registration dates,-Policies-Procedures/Academic-Calendar

Mini-course in Linear Algebra for Data Science

This online workshop reviews topics in linear algebra to help students prepare for MATH 677 Mathematical Foundations for Data Science in the Masters of Science in Data Science at Texas A&M University. Math Learning Center (MLC) – Linear Algebra for Data Science (


ECEN 725 / CSCE 725 / STAT 683 Data Science Capstone

The capstone will count toward the departmental quota of any track. 


Though not required, if you enroll in an internship you are encouraged to do it in the summer semester. As few courses are available during the summer semester, this will be the best opportunity for you to do your internship. For international students wanting to complete an internship (CPT- Curricular Practical Training- F-1 Students), (Academic Training- J-1 Students), you will need to complete the following tasks to ensure that your request is processed in a timely manner. CPT Instructions

Submitting Your Degree Plan

Prior to the end of the spring semester of your first year, you should plan to submit your degree plan. You will need to have a total of 30 credit hours on your MS Data Science Degree Plan. Please see the following instructions on what courses to include in the degree plan, and how to submit it. After your degree plan is approved you will then be considered a student in your “home” track. Your degree will also come from that department.

Courses to Include in Degree Plan

  • ECEN 758 / STAT 639 or CSCE 676
  • MATH 677
  • STAT 624
  • STAT 650
  • Specialization Track Elective (3 hr. course from the track you were admitted into)
  • Specialization Track Elective (3 hr. course from the track you were admitted into)
  • Specialization Track Elective (3 hr. course from the track you were admitted into)
  • Elective (3 hr. course from your area of choice)
  • Elective (3 hr. course from your area of choice)
  • Elective (3 hr. course from your area of choice)

Please see the approved list of MS Data Science electives

Committee Members

Students completing the MS in Data Science degree will only need 1 committee member who will serve as the committee chair. (Dr. Maurice Rojas MATH, Dr. Derya Akleman STAT, Dr. John Keyser CSE, or Dr. Jiang Hu ECE)

How to Submit the Degree Plan

Go to

Log-in with NET ID & Password

Select “Create New Degree Plan”

Follow the on-screen instructions

Add courses

Add committee members

Audit degree plan



As you approach the final semester, be sure to visit Graduation Services for steps to completing the graduation process as well as commencement activities

Congratulations on completing your Master’s of Data Science degree.