Spring 2024 Data Science Student Ambassador Events

The Texas A&M Institute of Data Science (TAMIDS) Data Science Ambassador Scholarship Program supports Texas A&M PhD students who wish to serve as representatives for TAMIDS and champions for Data Science literacy in their departments. Our Ambassadors have organized several events throughout the Spring 2024 semester.

Grant Proposal Writing Series for Graduate Students

INFORMS TAMU Student Chapter is hosting a workshop and a panel discussion on Grant Proposal Writing for graduate students. The events take place on the following dates and times:

1/31 Wednesday 10:30 AM – 11:30 AMETB 4002Workshop
2/2 Friday 10:30 AM – 11:30 AMETB 3002Panel Discussion

Detailed schedules and speaker information can be found in the attached posters. We have limited seats, so kindly RSVP here as early as possible.

PBSI Bring-Your-Own-Data Office Hours

View Psychological & Brain Sciences Ambassador Events Flyer

Date & Time: 11:00am to 12:30pm on the following Fridays: 2/2, 2/9, 2/16, 2/23, 3/1, 3/8, 3/22, 3/29, 4/5, 4/12, and 4/26

Location: Milner Hall room 227 and Zoom

Speaker/Facilitator: Benjamin D. Schulte, Industrial-Organizational Psychology Ph.D. student (4th year), Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences

Description: These office hours offer personalized data science assistance for undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own data sets for assistance with running statistical analyses. Walk-ins are welcome (i.e., no appointment is required). No registration is required. Contact: bschu5@tamu.edu

LAUP Data Science Assistance Sessions

Date & Time: Every Thursday, 10:30 to 11:30 am (duplicate events)

Location: ARCA 347D and Zoom


Description: A bring-your-own-data style workshop for every student who was interested in urban/spatial data science help. 

Introduction to R and Data Cleaning

Date & Time: 2/15 4pm to 6pm and 3/7 4pm to 6pm (duplicate events)

Location: Milner Hall room 118 and Zoom

Speaker/Facilitator: Benjamin D. Schulte, Industrial-Organizational Psychology Ph.D. student (4th year), Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences (bschu5@tamu.edu)

Description: This workshop will consist of lectures, demonstrations, and exercises in which undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty will learn the basics of working with and cleaning data in R. Attendees will understand the R Studio interface, write simple code using appropriate syntax, and utilize functions and packages. Attendees will also learn to clean data using R, including running for-loops, creating composite variables, and subsetting, merging, and appending data sets. Attendees should bring their own laptop to the workshop and are encouraged to install R and RStudio prior to attending.


Data Science in Local Government Planning

Date & Time: 2/15 4pm to 6pm and 3/7 4pm to 6pm (duplicate events)

Location: Blocker 220


  • Matthew Ellis, AICP, Senior Planner, City of College Station
  • Julie Svetlik, GIS Analyst, City of College Station
  • Facilitator: Jiaxin Du, Department of Landscape Architecture & Urban Planning (jiaxin.du@tamu.edu)

Description: We are delighted to welcome our distinguished alumni, currently serving in the Planning Department of the City of College Station, to share about their experience about using data science and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in urban planning and development for our neighborhood.

Understanding and Applying t-tests and ANOVAs (jamovi, R)

Date & Time: 3/19 4pm to 6pm and 3/28 4pm to 6pm (duplicate events)

Location: Milner Hall room 118 and Zoom

Speaker/Facilitator: Benjamin D. Schulte, Industrial-Organizational Psychology Ph.D. student (4th year), Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences (bschu5@tamu.edu)

Description: This workshop will consist of lectures, demonstrations, and exercises in which undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty will conceptually understand t-tests (e.g., one-sample, independent samples, paired samples) and ANOVAs (e.g., one-way, mixed, ANCOVA) and apply them to data sets using statistical software. Attendees will identify when to employ and understand how to interpret the results of these tests. Attendees will also apply these tests to data sets using jamovi and R to answer research questions, and visualize the results of these tests. Attendees should bring their own laptop to the workshop and are encouraged to install jamovi, R, and RStudio prior to attending.


Understanding and Applying Correlation and Regression (jamovi, R)

Date & Time: 4/2 4pm to 6pm and 4/11 4pm to 6pm (duplicate events)

Location: Milner Hall room 118 and Zoom

Speaker/Facilitator: Benjamin D. Schulte, Industrial-Organizational Psychology Ph.D. student (4th year), Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences (bschu5@tamu.edu)

Description: This workshop will consist of lectures, demonstrations, and exercises in which undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty will conceptually understand correlation and regression (e.g., simple, multiple, hierarchical) and apply them to data sets using statistical software. Attendees will identify when to employ and understand how to interpret the results of these tests. Attendees will also apply these tests to data sets using jamovi and R to answer research questions, and visualize the results of these tests. Attendees should bring their own laptop to the workshop and are encouraged to install jamovi, R, and RStudio prior to attending.


W.A.T.E.R. — Hydrological Data Science Summer Camp

Workflow Automation and Techniques for Effective Research

Date & Time: June 24 – June 28

Location: Virtual (Link TBD)

Speaker/Facilitator: Debasish Mishra, Department of Biological & Agricultural Engineering (debmishra@tamu.edu)

Description: This workshop will consist of lectures, demonstrations, and exercises in which undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty will conceptually understand correlation and regression (e.g., simple, multiple, hierarchical) and apply them to data sets using statistical software. Attendees will identify when to employ and understand how to interpret the results of these tests. Attendees will also apply these tests to data sets using jamovi and R to answer research questions, and visualize the results of these tests. Attendees should bring their own laptop to the workshop and are encouraged to install jamovi, R, and RStudio prior to attending.