TAMIDS Graduate Travel Program Presentations

  • Zhengyang Wang (Computer Science and Engineering, Advisor: Shuiwang Ji), SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM 2019), “Spatial Variational Auto-Encoding via Matrix-Variate Normal Distributions
  • Megnan Du (Computer Science and Engineering, Advisor: Ben Hu), IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2019), “Learning Credible Deep Neural Networks with Rationale Regularization
  • Hongyong Gao (Computer Science and Engineering, Advisor: Shuiwang Ji), International Confernece on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (SIGKDD 2019), “Graph Representation Learning via Hard and Channel-Wise Attention Networks
  • Imtiaz Ahmed (Industrial and Systems Engineering, Advisor: Yu Ding), IISE Annual Conference & Expo 2019, “Neighborhood Structure Assisted Non-negative Matrix Factorization and its Application in Unsupervised Point Anomaly Detection”.
  • Jeff Martin (Wildlife & Fisheries, Advisor: Perry Barboza), American Society of Mammologists (ASM) 2019, “Drought and temperature influence spatial and temporal variation in growth of North American Bison
  • Rachel Short (Ecosystem Science & Management, Advisor: Michelle Lawing), North American Paleontologist Convention (NAPC) 2019, “Community limb morphology of Artiodactyla as an environmental predictor”
  • Peter Ferguson (Physics and Astronomy, Advisor: Louis Strigari), RRL/CEP 2019- Frontiers of Classical Pulsators: Theory & Observations Conference 2019, “Three-dimensional structure of the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal core from RR Lyrae”
  • Daniel Osario (Electrical & Computer Engineering, Advisor: James Cai), Algorithms and Models for Single Cell Genomics Workshop 2019, “Single-Cell Expression Variability Implies Cell Function
  • Jingjia Li (Ecosystem Science and Management, Advisor: Claudia Casola), The Society for Molecular Biology & Evolution Conference 2019, “Identifying promoter DNA regulatory motifs associated with drought related genes”
  • Megha Yadav (Computer Science and Engineering, Advisor: Theodora Chaspari), IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks, 2019, “Speak Up! Studying the Interplay of Physiological Indices with Individual and Contextual Factors for Quantifying Public Speaking Anxiety”
  • Elham Nikbakht (Educational Psychology, Advisor: Fuhui Tong), TESOL International Conference, 2019, “Investigating the interplay of translanguaging on bilingual learners’ reading-to-write tasks
  • Anne Salvador (Molecular and Cellular Medicine, Advisor: David Threadgill), Training in Dr. Gudrun Brockman’s Lab in Berlin Germany