Our Mission
Many functions of university infrastructure like transportation and utilities routinely collect data during their operation. Texas A&M University has over 21,000 employees and 77,000 students who are constantly using and creating data through research, education, and supporting our nineteen colleges and schools. This data is used to manage these functions from planning to daily operations across Texas A&M’s large and diverse campus.
The Operational Data Science Lab is a joint enterprise between the Texas A&M Institute of Data Science (TAMIDS) and the Texas A&M Center for Geospatial Science, Applications, and Technology (GEOSAT) to develop partnerships with operational organizations in Texas A&M that capitalize on institutional data investments to improve campus operations and achieve research and academic goals and support Texas A&M researchers working on operational problems.
- Identify new data-driven research problems arising from operational contexts
- Derive new insights and analyses from data and embody these in software tools
- Engage the broader community of researchers with operational data challenges
- Provide hands-on opportunities for students to work with real-world data
- Leverage the results for funding proposals and outreach
Achieving these goals has the potential to transform Texas A&M into a living laboratory for Data Science, accelerating the pace and effectiveness of Texas A&M’s teaching, research, and outreach mission. We would like to thank our partner operational organizations including, Texas A&M Transportation Services, Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI), University Libraries, Utilities and Energy Services, Division of Research, Texas A&M – Galveston, the Department of Animal Science and the Department of Biology.
Lab Members

Current Lab Collaborators
- Vivek Gupta, TTI
- Michael Fox, ITEC
- Walter R. Magnussen, ITEC
- Patrick Newman, ITEC
- David Retchless, Galveston
- Luis Tedeschi, Animal Science
- Karun Kaniyamattam, Animal Science
- Daniel Paredes-Sabja, Biology
- Zhe Zhang, Geography
Former Lab Collaborators
- Tim Lomax, Texas A&M Transportation Institute
- Byron Prestridge, Transportation Services
- Yasuko Sakurai, Utilities & Energy Services
- Ron Steedly, Transportation Service
- Shawn Turner, TTI
- Les Williams, Utilities and Energy Services
- Jack Baldauf, Division of Research & Oceanography
- Amir Behzadan, Construction Science
- Costas Georghiades, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Dan Goldberg, Department of Geography
- Bruce Herbert, University Libraries & Geology/Geophysics
- Tracy Hammond, IEEI & CSE
Events and Community
- TAMIDS Workshop on Operational Data Science, February 2019
- GIS Day Workshop on Geospatial Data Science and Campus Operations, November 2019