Early Career Collaboration Program

The 2024 proposal deadline has passed. You can view our 2024 awardees here.


The Texas A&M Institute of Data Science (TAMIDS) Early Career Collaboration Program invites proposals for two-year projects to expand research collaboration with TAMIDS Thematic Labs and support individuals interested in Data Science, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning.  Award teams will receive up to $40,000 for two-year projects to support engagement with TAMIDS research activities, programs, or its broader mission. The program is open to multidisciplinary teams from any field of study and requires collaboration with one (1) TAMIDS Thematic Lab. You can view the January 22 Info Session Presentation PDF or watch the YouTube Video for more details.


TAMIDS Early Career Collaboration Program aims to catalyze new collaborations with early career Texas A&M faculty working in the foundations or applications of Data Science, Artificial Intelligence (AI), or Machine Learning or wishing to incorporate these fields into their research. TAMIDS’s research and training programs combine data science and AI expertise from engineering, technology, science, and the humanities to inform broader social challenges. TAMIDS seeks to build on its research investments by supporting research that leverages or enhances TAMIDS research portfolio by aligning with or extending the scope of a TAMIDS Thematic Lab, by introducing new elements that seed future initiatives, or by connecting TAMIDS to other research programs at Texas A&M. The collaborations should have strong potential to persist beyond the duration of the program by generating results that will form the basis for additional collaborative activities, funding proposals, or other support activities.

Thematic Labs

Program Format

Click here to read the full program description.

Selected teams of two (2) faculty or PI-eligable researchers with administrative locations in any department from an eligible institution (see the full program description for details on team format) will be awarded $20,000 each year, with funding for the second year contingent on the successful review of a report due at the end of the first year. Funds may be used to support postdoctoral researchers or graduate students through salary, tuition, and fees. Funding does not support travel, equipment, or faculty salaries.

Teams must demonstrate collaboration with a TAMIDS Thematic Lab by having one (1) TAMIDS Thematic Lab member on the team and the other member with no current membership in a TAMIDS Thematic Lab.

Each applicant must be a full-time faculty or PI-eligible researchers with administrative location in Texas A&M University (including the Galveston and Qatar campuses), TEES, TEEX, AgriLife Research, AgriLife Extension, or TTI on the application deadline. One team member must be an early career faculty member on the application deadline, i.e., a tenure-track Assistant Professor. Each person can be a member of no more than oneapplicant team per cycle.

Applications should identify funding opportunities to which the proposed work will be responsive, and awardees are expected to submit a collaborative proposal within two (2) years from the start of the award.

2024 Call for Proposals

Proposals should be uploaded through Qualtrics via tx.ag/EarlyCareerProposal. Read the Full Request for Proposals before submitting.

Program Size: TAMIDS expects up to four (4) awards this cycle. Each award will provide funding for up to two (2) years.

Deadline: Proposals will be accepted up to the deadline date of March 25, 2024, 11:59 pm CST.

Proposal Review: Proposals will be reviewed competitively by a committee established by the TAMIDS Director, with awards being communicated by May 6, 2024.

You can view the January 22 Info Session Presentation PDF or watch the YouTube Video for more details.

Contact Information: Drew Casey, TAMIDS Assistant Director of Program Engagement, drew.casey@tamu.edu