December 6 @ 11:00 am – 1:00 pm, & December 7 @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Host: Benjamin D. Schulte, Industrial-Organizational Psychology Ph.D. Student, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciencesand TAMIDS Data Science Ambassador.
Description: This tutorial will consist of lectures, demonstrations, and exercises in which attendees will learn the basics of structural equation modeling in R, including estimating latent variables using confirmatory factor analysis and the relationship between latent variables using structural regression.
Intended Audience: Undergraduate and graduate students
Prerequisites: Some familiarity with R.
Computers: Participants should bring their own laptop to the workshop and are encouraged to install R and R Studio prior to attending the workshop.
Note that the two workshops, December 6th and December 7th, will cover the same content.
PBSI Data Science Ambassador Flyer