We are pleased to share that TAMIDS has hired two new postdoctoral research associates in two of our thematic labs!

Dr. Brittany Garcia recently came to us after completing her Ph.D. in the School of Architecture at Texas A&M and is working in the Data Justice Lab. Her dissertation research centers on enhancing user experiences in collaborative Virtual Reality (VR) environments. Dr. Garcia has an extensive background in research methods and user experience design including serving as the Program Coordinator II for the School of Nursing at Texas A&M where her project sought to facilitate the upskilling of emergency obstetric scenario skills at rural hospitals through distance simulation and a VR application.
Dr. Xingzhuo Chen will be joining us in September to work in the Scientific Machine Learning Lab. His research interests include radiative transfer simulation, type Ia supernova, deep-learning application in astronomy, and physics-informed neural networks (PINN). Dr. Chen completed his Ph.D. in Astronomy this year and his work has been published in many leading journals including The Astrophysical Journal.
Welcome aboard, Drs. Garcia and Chen!