TAMIDS Tech Talk: Michael Henry: Research Partnerships Between Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and TAMIDS

November 3, 2022

2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Location: Blocker 220

Also online via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 998 4499 3279
Password: 724615


Michael Henry, Senior Data Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Faculty Host:

Simon Foucart, TAMIDS/Math


Michael Henry is a Senior Data Scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and holds a Joint Appointment at Texas A&M. In this talk, he will discuss his current research at PNNL, his involvement with Texas A&M, as well as the broader portfolio of shared research between the two organizations. This talk will discuss research and potential opportunities to collaborate on funded research between the two organizations.


Michael J. Henry is a Senior Data Scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. He holds a B.S. in Computer Engineering from Purdue University and a M.S. in Computer Science from Georgetown University. He also holds a Joint Appointment at Texas A&M University, and is currently located out at the RELLIS campus as the Director of Experiential Learning as part of the Human-Machine Ecosystem Laboratory. Michael’s research interests include large-scale image retrieval, generative adversarial networks, operational machine learning, big data analytics, and deployable and assured AI.

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For more information about TAMIDS Seminar Series, please contact Ms. Jennifer South at jsouth@tamu.edu.