Transportation Data Science Seminar: Joseph Chow: Tackling Operational Inefficiencies Toward Sustainable Mobility-as-a-Service

Speaker: Joseph Chow, Institute Associate Professor, Civil and Urban Engineering Department, Tandon School of Engineering, NYU.

Faculty Host: Xinyue Ye, Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning & Urban Data Science Lab

Abstract: With technological and social advocacy for more sustainable transportation, we are seeing increasing interest in sustainability mobility, particularly from the perspective of fleet operators (transit, freight, share mobility providers, etc.) considering electrification. Wholesale adoption decisions are easier to make at a fleet level than individually for each consumer in a passenger vehicle market. Nonetheless, for such operators, a number of considerations need to be addressed. Charging activities remain considerably longer duration and in limited availability than internal combustion engine alternatives; these limitations impose queueing inefficiencies and subsequent EV adoption disincentives that need to be addressed through a mix of technological and data-driven operational innovations. Lessons learned from recent advances are presented with an eye toward an electric Mobility-as-a-Service future.

This seminar series is co-organized by the Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning, Transportation Institute, and Institute of Data Science at Texas A&M University. It is run by Texas A&M Urban Data Science Lab.

Biography: Joseph Chow is an Institute Associate Professor at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering’s Civil and Urban Engineering Department with affiliations at CUSP and Rudin Center for Transportation Policy & Management. Chow is an NSF CAREER award recipient, a former Canada Research Chair, and the co-founding Deputy Director of the C2SMART transportation center at NYU. He is the Chair of the Subcommittee on Route Choice & Spatiotemporal Behavior at TRB and former TSL Cluster Chair and Urban Transportation SIG Chair at INFORMS. He has published about 80 journal articles since 2010 and is an editor for three transportation journals including Transportation Research Part B. Dr. Chow received his PhD (’10) at UC Irvine and his MEng (’01) and BS (’00) at Cornell University.

The Transportation Data Science Seminar Series is sponsored by the Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning, the Texas A&M Transportation Institute and the Texas A&M Institute of Data Science. Please contact Xinyue Ye (LAUP), Michael Martin (TTI), or Xiao Li (TTI) for further information.

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