Spring 2022 Data Science Seminar Series: Laura Mandell, Bryan Tarpley and Kayley Hart: Machine Learning/Natural Language Processing Experts Needed: How Do We Discover Emerging Gender Categories in 90 Volumes of Tagged Text?


  • Laura Mandell, Ph.D. Director, Center of Digital Humanities Research, Professor, Texas A&M University.
  • Bryan Tarpley, Ph.D. Associate Research Scientist, Critical Infrastructure Studies, CoDHR.
  • Kayley Hart, MA, Program Coordinator, Center of Digital Humanities Research, Project Manager, The Feminist Controversy in England.

Faculty Host: Yu Ding, TAMIDS

Abstract: Our digital project The Feminist Controversy in England, or Emerging Genders, is a cultural analytics and data visualization project which focuses on essays and novels about women’s education from 1788 to 1810. The Feminist Controversy seeks to postulate non-binary gender terms that have been derived from the texts themselves and demonstrate how this procedure offers an alternative method for historicizing gender during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. We are seeking experts of Machine Learning and/or Natural Language Processing to assist us in furthering our goals for this digital project.


Dr. Laura Mandell is Director of of the Center of Digital Humanities Research and Professor of English at Texas A&M University. She spearheaded the Early Modern OCR project or “eMOP” (http://emop.tamu.edu), a project concerned with improving OCR for early modern and 18th-c. texts. Her current research on historical gender analysis is part of the SSHRC-funded “Text-Mining the Novel” project. The Center of Digital Humanities Research undertakes and supports many digital projects (http://codhr.tamu.edu) and hosts the Humanities Visualization Space (http://hvs.tamu.edu), featuring a large touchscreen (~5.5 feet tall, 16.5 feet wide). With so much high resolution screen real estate, researchers can visually explore large datasets without having to rely so much on aggregation and abstraction..

Dr. Bryan Tarpley is the Associate Research Scientist for Critical Infrastructure Studies at CoDHR. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and a Ph.D. in English, and is interested in contemporary literature and theory.

Ms. Kayley Hart earned her MA in English from Texas A&M University in May 2021. She is the Program Coordinator for the Center of Digital Humanities Research and Project Manager of The Feminist Controversy in England.

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For more information about TAMIDS seminar series, please contact Ms. Jennifer South at jsouth@tamu.edu