TAMIDS Seminar Series: Randy Garrett: Data Science for Organizational Models

Speaker: Randy Garrett, Ph.D. DARPA Office of Strategic Technology

Faculty Host: Seth Murray, Texas A&M Soil and Crop Sciences

Abstract: Historically, government analysis was focused on nation states, typically countries that were viewed as adversaries. Although nation state analysis has continued, the Global War On Terror brought attention to individuals, and a large number of analytics were created to identify and track terrorists. On the commercial side, computational advertising has created a wealth of analytics for people and their relationships. There are few analytics that consider organizations. While groups are composed of individuals, organizations have their own behaviors and characteristics that emerge beyond that of individual activity. This seminar will consider approaches to developing data science for organizations.

Biography: Dr. Randy Garrett is currently a Program Manager at DARPA in the Strategic Technology Office. Dr. Garrett has created programs in big data analytics and cybersecurity. He was named DARPA Program Manager of the Year, was awarded an Outstanding Civilian Service Medal from the Secretary of Defense, and assisted with earning DARPA a Joint Military Unit Award. Prior to DARPA, Dr. Garrett led special projects for the Director of the National Security Agency and was the Senior Science Advisor for Army Intelligence. Dr. Garrett was presented an Outstanding Civilian Service Medal from the Army and was a Federal 100 award winner. Dr. Garrett has held senior management positions at SAIC, General Dynamics, and Rockwell. He has a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering and undergraduate degrees in physics and mathematics.

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For more information about TAMIDS seminar series, please contact Ms. Jennifer South at jsouth@tamu.edu